Monday, May 28, 2012

PaleoTrack Analysis of the Day

Or rather, yesterday.  I am going to log everything I eat until at least my next bloodwork appointment.  I am using PaleoTrack to analyze each day of food, and I'll reflect on why I eat the way I do when I do screw up, goals for the future, etcetera.

The Foods and Why I Ate Them

Yesterday I actually packed out all my food, or what was supposed to be all my food.  This is due to the fact that every once in a while I'll pick up a twelve to fifteen hour shift at the group home I work at, and although I am allowed to eat the food I cook for my residents, it is very non-primal.

The star here was ten ounces of pork steak cooked in lard.  I also ate two eggs and a piece of bacon before I left, hoping to stave off the fake hunger pangs (those "I think I'm hungry" feelings that aren't actually hunger, but drug side-effects and boredom).  I brought along two pieces of bacon, three boiled eggs (they're labeled as "poached" here because I couldn't find "boiled" at the time), a bag of frozen broccoli, butter for the broccoli, an apple, an ounce of cheese.

I forgot to put on the list that I had a cup of French onion soup while I was there, but that had no carbs and only 20 calories so I'm not worried, although I'm annoyed that I ate something out of a box.  The soup was pure boredom eating.  The rest of my food was more than enough for the day, but I ate it early despite telling myself I shouldn't, finishing it all at around 3:30p.  Since my shift ended at 10p, it was rather annoying, but again, I survived, so no big deal.

The chicken was a last-minute addition.  I'd planned not to eat anything when I got home at 10:30, but I was legitimately hungry, so it's cool.

The Pie Chart

The pie chart on PaleoTrack gives a run-down of where my calories come from:

And I did eat more calories than I wish I did, but I did manage a reasonable level of carbohydrate (I'm aiming for under 70 grams) and the percentage of fat and protein is also pretty good.  Overall this was a success.

The Labels

PaleoTrack tells you, based on what labels are on the food you entered (contains dairy, contains grain, etc.) just how paleo your day was.  I'm not strict paleo anyway, so it's not a huge concern to me, but it is a good motivator.

Sugar-free, legume-free, and grain-free.  I did eat dairy today, so that's not on there.  I honestly don't know how to eat to get rid of the omega-6 label without cutting the fat off my meat (which I'm not going to do).  My Omega-6 ratio is around 7:1, which is a huge improvement compared to most Americans.  It's not a major concern to me although I will continue to try improving it further.