Wednesday, May 30, 2012

PaleoTrack Analysis for May 29th

Alright, time for yesterday's PaleoTrack Analysis:

What I Ate And Why

I worked today, and miraculously it didn't harm my food intake that much:
 The list isn't all that accurate, but I'm going to assume it's accurate enough to not throw me off entirely.

For breakfast I had two rashers of bacon and two eggs fried in a little of the leftover grease, which is normal for me.  For lunch I had haddock cooked in coconut oil.  For dinner, which I ate at work, I had two chicken thighs with the skin.

For a throughout-the-day snack I made a trail mix with jerky (made from a grass-fed strip steak, this is where the "maybe not so accurate" thing comes up), home-dried bananas (another one) and a quarter cup of pecans.

There was no strange reason for eating any of this today.  I ate when I got hungry.  That part is a success for me.

The Pie Chart

Pie chart today is pretty damned good:
I didn't eat as many calories as I wanted, but it's not a huge deficiency and I'm not hungry.  My carbs are in a good spot at 31g.

The Labels

Hey, I gained one!
 No dairy today.  It's still ragging at me because of my omega-6 fatty acids, but I figured out they're high because of all the chicken I've been eating.  The skin has lots of omega-6s.  The pecans didn't help, but I wouldn't have gone over had it not been for the chicken.  And let's be honest, I'm not going to fret over chicken skin.

I went shopping today and brought back pork, lamb, eggs, and avocados.  So perhaps I will moderate the chicken better and I'll eventually get a magic "Strict Paleo" gold star there.  Not today, I'm afraid.