Friday, September 28, 2012

I'm on the Blood Donation Boat

First off, my weigh-in today was 214 pounds.  Back to a total 55 pound weight loss.

I'm terribly sorry I don't have the link, but a while ago I recall reading an article about the Paleo movement in which somebody maintained we should all give blood because early man would have been regularly using it.

This has always seemed a silly hunter-warrior fantasy to me, the idea that men were constantly spraying blood everywhere and lived to tell the tale.  I don't know.  Never really bought it.

On the other hand, blood donation is a good thing to do both for your community and for your health.  Especially when you're like me and your body makes too much blood.  Which I found out a couple months ago when my routine hormone-related bloodwork came back and I was told I had secondary polycythemia.  This is the opposite of anemia... rather than having too few red blood cells, I have too many, which can eventually lead to a stroke or heart attack.

The treatment is frequent blood donations to lower the blood count, which I've been doing. 

So I guess I'm on that wagon after all.